Rocky Boy Health Center is seeking bids for the following:
Request For Qualifications
The Rocky Boy Health Center (RBHC) is hereby soliciting Statements of Qualifications and Experience from a variety of qualified marketing (“Consultant”) firms to provide culturally appropriate marketing services for the Rocky Boy Health Center on the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation. The services provided by the Consultant will assist the Rocky Boy Health Center in their efforts to enhance our community’s overall well-being.
RBHC also intends to develop a list of qualified candidates through this solicitation for future work through Indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) Master Services contract(s). Candidates who are deemed qualified will enter into an IDIQ contract with RBHC to deliver similar services to those described in this RFQ and a series of Task Orders will be issued for future projects. Task Orders may be awarded to one or more qualified contractors and will be based on time and materials or a flat fee for services.
Click here to view complete RFQ.
RFQ Due Date: Noon, November 15, 2024
Cynthia Stump
Supply Technician
Rocky Boy Health Center
6850 Upper Box Elder Rd
Box Elder, MT 59521
Office: 406-395-4486
Notice for Public Comment
The Rocky Boy Health Center is accepting public comments on the construction of the Newtown Sewer Main Extension Project. The project will eliminate 23 septic systems and provide sewer service to 23 residents in Newtown, improving water quality and reducing operating and maintenance costs of those systems. The project is being funded by the American Rescue Plan Act.
The project generally consists of: 2,336 LF asphalt removal and replacement, 1313 LF of gravel removal and replacement, install 5,573 LF of 8-inch sanitary sewer main, connect new sanitary main to existing sanitary manhole, install 24 sanitary manholes, install 22 (3,785 LF) 4-inch sanitary services, install 1 septic ejector system, 23 septic tank abandonments, topsoil placement and seeding, and miscellaneous associated items.
Written comments must be submitted by August 30, 2024, at 11:59 pm.
Mail comments to:
Rocky Boy Health Center
c/o Cody Mattfeldt
6850 Upper Box Elder Road
Box Elder, MT 59521
Invitation For Bid
Accepting Bids
Scope: Painting the exterior trim of a 2,319 sq ft home
Staining of an 8’ x 8’ deck and railings
Rebuild and stain a 16’ x 12’ deck
Mandatory Pre-Bid August 9th, 2024, 10 AM
At 88 Rolling Medows Street, Box Elder, MT
Details of the scope of work will be distributed at pre-bid
Sealed Bids must be received at the Rocky Boy Health Center on:
August 23rd, 2024 @ 1:00 P.M.
Submittals must be presented to:
Rocky Boy Health Center
ATTN: Cynthia Stump
6850 Upper Box Elder Road
Box Elder, MT 59521
Click here to view entire invitation.
Request for Proposal
Rocky Boy Health Center (RBHC) is soliciting proposals for the provision of emergency medical services. The successful respondent will assume operations of the existing RBHC Emergency Medical Services/Ambulance program.
Click here to view complete RFQ.
Request For Qualifications
Rocky Boy Health Center (RBHC) is soliciting proposals from a team of one or more qualified Consultants to facilitate the inclusion of Chippewa Cree culture and language into the programs, services, functions, and agreements administered by the Rocky Boy Health Center. Qualified individuals or firms must have the knowledge and capacity to deliver the items described in the Scope of Work.
RBHC also intends to develop a list of qualified candidates through this solicitation for future work through Indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) Master Services contract(s). Candidates who are deemed qualified will enter into an IDIQ contract with RBHC to deliver similar services to those described in this RFQ and a series of Task Orders will be issued for future projects. Task Orders may be awarded to one or more qualified contractors and will be based on time and materials.
Click here to view complete RFQ.
Invitation For Bid
Sealed bids for construction of Rocky Boy Health Center Administration Site Infrastructure
Project will be received by the Rocky Boy Health Center, 6850 Upper Box Elder Road,
Box Elder, MT 59521 until 10:00 a.m. local time on January 24, 2024 and then publicly
opened and read aloud.
The project generally consists of: Clearing and grubbing 3.5 acres; concrete, asphalt and
HDPE liner demolition; excavate, place and grade 8,061 of earth fill; adjust and extend
storm sewer; import, place and grade 1,877 CY of earth fill; grading and paving 2,626 SY
of streets, install 1,504 LF of curb and gutter, grading and placing 2,403 LF of walking
trail; planting, seeding, landscaping and irrigation installation of disturbed area and
miscellaneous associated items.
The contract documents consisting of drawings and project manual documents may be
examined and obtained at the office of Rocky Boy Health Center, 6850 Upper Box
Elder Road, Box Elder, MT, 59521, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
Required deposit is $200.00 per set which includes 11” x 17” plan sheets. All deposits are
not refundable.
There will be a Pre-Bid Conference at the Rocky Boy Health Center Conference Room,
6850 Upper Box Elder Road, Box Elder, MT, 59521 at 10:00 a.m. on January 17, 2024.
Interested contractors are encouraged to attend.
Click here to view entire invitation.